Thursday, February 28, 2008

Subjective Universe...

Since the early 20th century, the scientific view has been that we live in a subjective universe. Albert Einstein formulated his theory of relativity back then when experimental evidence showed that the speed of light remained constant as the Earth moved.

Einstein's theory posited that all observers will measure the speed of light at 186,000 miles per second, regardless of their speed or their direction. In order for this to hold, the measurement of time must not be objective in its own right; but subjective.

This point was proven later by two atomic clocks. The most accurate time devices available. When one is left stationary and the other speeding around the world, a discrepancy will arise. If time were objective, they would be the same. But time passes slower the faster one goes through Einstein's space-time...even though an observer of either clock would not have noticed it.

A subjective universe. No God's objective view. Perhaps. But this can be a very powerful enabler. You, along with everything else, are subjectively weaving the tapestry. It's a reflection of us all. The maxims "think globally, act locally" and "do unto others as you'd have done unto you" apply with added veracity.


Vincent said...

Amen to that, N2.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, they do. Well said.

Jim said...

Great post!

Paul said...

Wouldn't it be true that everything is subjective in an objective sense?

n2 said...

Ahh, the dialectic nature of reality...I like it.